
 Break Curses to destroy their legal hold

1. Break Evil Vows, Oaths, Rituals, Ceremonies, and Blood Covenants          

2. Break Trades                                                                                                      

3. Break Dedications                                                                                              

4. Break Word Curses                                                                                         

5. Break Generational Curses and Spirit of Death                                              

6. Break Soul Ties                                                 

Then, healing will come...


DEMAND FIRMLY… In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I demand that any spirit that is not of God should leave me.  Satan, you have no right to my life, no legal ground for the work of Jesus on the cross redeemed me. You have no power over me. I belong to God, and will serve Him and Him alone, until I draw my final breath. By the authority of my Lord Jesus Christ, I break the power of every evil curse that has come upon me, and my bloodline. I command every demon of curse to leave me now: ancestral curse spirits, personal transgression curse spirits, witchcraft curse spirits, and spoken word curse spirits.

I have no need of any spirit other than the Holy Spirit. Forgive me for having sought from other spirits that which should only come from you. I renounce, and separate myself from all familiar spirits, however acquired. I call upon you, Lord, to deliver me from the lies, and deceptions of familiar spirits. I renounce them now.  I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself free at last. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I come against all you hidden spirits and I bind your activities in my life. You can no longer hide below the surface because I now recognize what you have been doing; release me, in the name of Jesus Christ.  You spirit husband/ spirit wife, I speak to you directly: get out of my life now. I am

1. Break Evil Vows, Oaths, Rituals, Ceremonies, Blood Covenants

I accuse myself in your sight of Evil Vows, Oaths, Rituals, Ceremonies, and Blood Covenants. I renounce all Evil Vows, Oaths, Rituals, Ceremonies and Blood Covenants.  I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon myself and my life, and I repent for having exposed my descendants to generational sins tied to these Evil Vows, Oaths, Rituals, Ceremonies, and Blood Covenants. I ask forgiveness for all Evil Vows, Oaths, Rituals, Ceremonies and Blood Covenants.  I know you created me for a purpose, and I trust in you. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. I cancel these words over my life, and I annul all the effect of these curses over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and my entire bloodline, free at last. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority given to Me by Jesus Christ, I now break all Evil Vows, all Evil Oaths, all Evil Rituals, all Evil Ceremonies, and Evil Blood Covenants that offend God, and that are against his purpose for my life should they have come upon me, and my bloodline by my own fault, or because of the iniquity of my ancestors. I submit to God s divine will for Me, and ask for the grace to persevere in love. I annul all the effects of these curses upon me, and my entire bloodline. I command every demon of curse to leave us now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and my entire bloodline, free at last. I place this prayer in the divine will, and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.

2. Break Trades Curses

I accuse myself in your sight of having entered into Trades which have given Satan the legal ground to curse me. I accuse myself of having opened the door to these curses to manifest in my life, and for having accepted these, and allowed these Trades Curses to postpone, and destroy your purpose over my life.  I renounce all Evil Trades.  I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon myself and my life, and I repent for having exposed my descendants to generational sins tied to these Trades. I ask forgiveness for all these Evil Trades.  I ask forgiveness for all these Evil Trades I made. I know you created me for a purpose, and I trust in you. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. I cancel these words over my life, and I annul all the effect of these trades curses over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and my entire bloodline, free at last. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority given to me by Jesus Christ, I break the power of every evil curse that has come upon me, and my bloodline because of any trade made by my ancestors, or myself. I command every demon of curse to leave me now, and I free my entire bloodline from this curse. I annul all the effects of this curse over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and all my descendants, free of all trades curses at last. I place this prayer in the divine will, and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.

3. Break Dedications Curses

I accuse myself in your sight of having entered into Dedications which have given Satan the legal ground to curse me. I accuse myself of having opened the door to these curses to manifest in my life, and for having accepted these, and allowed these Dedications Curses to postpone, and destroy your purpose over my life. I renounce all Dedications. I ask forgiveness for having made these Dedications.  I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon myself and my life, and I repent for having exposed my descendants to generational sins tied to these Dedications. I know you created me for a purpose, and I trust in you. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. I cancel these words over my life, and I annul all the effect of these dedications curses over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and my entire bloodline, free at last. 

I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority given to me by Jesus Christ, I break the power of every evil curse that has come upon me, and my bloodline because of any dedication made by my ancestors, or myself. I command every demon of curse to leave me now, and I free my entire bloodline from this curse: ancestral curse spirits, personal transgression curse spirits, witchcraft curse spirits, and spoken word curse spirits. I annul all the effect of this curse over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and all my descendants, free of all dedications curses at last. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.

4. Break Word Curses

I accuse myself in your sight of having said words which have given Satan the legal ground to curse me. I accuse myself of having opened the door to these curses to manifest in my life, and for having accepted these, and allowed these Word Curses to postpone, and destroy your purpose over my life. I renounce all Word Curses. I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon myself and my life, and I repent for having exposed my descendants to generational sins tied to these Word Curses. I ask forgiveness for these Word Curses I made, for all Word Curses operating in my life. I know you created me for a purpose, and I trust in you. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. I cancel these words over my life, and I annul all the effect of these curses over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself, and my entire bloodline, free at last.

 I  plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority given to me by Jesus Christ, I break the power of every evil curse that has come upon me, and my bloodline because of any word curse made by my ancestors, or myself. I command every demon of curse to leave me now, and I free my entire bloodline from this curse. I repent Father for having said those words of destruction upon myself and my life, and I repent for having believed them. I know you created me for a purpose, and I trust in you. I cancel these words over my life, and I annul all the effect of this curse over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself free at last.

I accuse myself in your sight of having said words over others which have given Satan the legal ground to curse me, and them. I accuse myself of having opened the door to these curses to manifest in my life, and theirs, and for having accepted these words, and allowed these Word Curses to postpone, and destroy your purpose over the lives of others as well as my own. I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon myself and my life, and I repent for having exposed my descendants to generational sins tied to these Word Curses. I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon others because of my words, and I repent for having exposed their descendants to generational sins tied to these Word Curses. 

I renounce all Word Curses I made over others. I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon them and their descendants and I repent for having exposed them and their descendants to generational sins tied to these Word Curses. I ask forgiveness for these Word Curses I made, for all Word Curses operating in my life and in the lives of others by my fault. I know you created them for a purpose, and I trust in you.

I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. I cancel these words, and I annul all the effect of these word curses over my life, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I also cancel these words over all the lives of others, and I annul all the effect of these curses over them, and the lives of my children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare others free of all word curses I placed on them, and their entire bloodlines. I declare them all free of all word curses at last.

I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus now in my defense. In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority given to me by Jesus Christ, I break the power of every evil curse that has come upon anyone because of any word curse I made over their lives. I command every demon of curse to leave them now, and I free their entire bloodline of any destruction which fell upon them because of these word curses I made. I know you created them for a purpose. I cancel these words over their lives, and I annul all the effects of this curse over them, and the lives of their children, and descendants now. I plead the blood of Jesus over them all, and declare them free at last. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.

5. Curse Breaking – Bind/Cast out Spirits Associated to Curses

(Do one curse at a time… see the list below) 

I now bind all the spirits associated with those covenants and curses…I bind, and cast out all generational spirits in my bloodline, going back to Adam and Eve. I bind all the spirits attached or connected to the curses, the trades, the dedications, and covenants I have just broken, in the name of Jesus. I cast them to the Pit. They are never to return to my life.

Abba Father, I exercise my authority over all the power of the enemy. I bind, and cast out every demonic influence from my family, my work, my finances, my health, and every other area of my life. I rebuke every demonic spirit, and command it to leave me, who pray in agreement with me right now. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself free at last. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.

I confess as sin and ask your forgiveness for every involvement with cults, the occult, and false religions. (Name these sins) I confess having sought from Satan’s kingdom the knowledge, guidance, power, and healing that should only come from you. I hereby renounce Satan and all of his works. I loose myself from him, and take back all the ground that I have ever yielded to him. I choose the blessing, and refuse the curse. I choose life and not death. Abba Father, you visit iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate you. I promise to destroy all books, and objects in my possession that are contrary to you and your Kingdom. If there is anything in my possession or in my home that is not pleasing to you, and gives any advantage to Satan over me, reveal this to me, and I will destroy it.                         

I break the generational curse of… (see list below. Do one curse at a time.)

Say, I command generational spirit of...** to come out of my life, and to release me, and my descendants. I bind you, and all evil spirit groupings attached to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, and cast you all to the Pit for all Eternity. The curse is now broken and renounced to the tenth generation, and into perpetuity. This declaration is binding upon all demonic forces. The effects of the curse are annulled, and broken! I exercise my authority over you. I forbid you to ever return or ever to send any other spirits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself free at last. I declare that this is legal and binding on Earth and in Heaven. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.


Generational Curses List:

1.    Divorce

2.    Adultery

3.    Illegitimacy

4.    Fragmented Soul

5.   Destruction of the Family Priesthood

6.   Biblical Abominations

7.   Blindness, Muteness, Deafness, and Arthritis

8.   False Religion

9.    Cancer

10.  Stroke

11.  Diabetes

12.  Epilepsy

13.  Camaraderie Cults

14.  Premature / Untimely death

15.  Heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, and blood diseases

16. Jezebel (domineering nature, seduction)

17.  Athaliah  (murder)

18.  Belial (wickedness/perversion: sears conscience, away from worship, whoredom, rape, sexual abuse, prostitution, debauchery, in media)        Via alcohol

19.  Moloch (human sacrifice)

20. Ashtoreth (fertility, love, war, ungodly sex)

21.   Ahab (idolatry)

22.  Baal


23.  Leviathan (pride)

24.  Divination and Witchcraft

25.  Poverty,  Impossibility

26.  Evil Eye

27.  Strife

28.  Anger

29.  Physical and Mental Infirmity

30.  Obesity

31.  Tattoos and Body Piercing

32.  Idolatry, and dolls

33.  Marine Spirits

34.  Desert Spirits

35.  Freemasonry

36.  Sterility, Infertility, Barrenness, Loneliness

37.   Rejection from the womb

38.  Failure

39.  Family Destruction

40.   Anti-marriage

41.   Mental Destruction

42.   Evil Consumption

43.  Isolation   

44.  Abandonment

45.  Procrastination

46.  Birth Trauma (being badly born)

47.  Victimization                 

48.  Cremation*


When you bind, do ONE SPIRIT at a time. This is crucial. My suggestion to you is to do what is most pressing in your life. In time, you will build up your

confidence, and things will flow a lot more naturally when you pray. Listen to the Holy Spirit at all times. He directs you through all this. [Verbally declare the previous paragraph each time you bind a spirit.

Repeat as many times as necessary, until you are finished the binding and casting out process].

When they come out, you might vomit, cough, make noises, etc. Don't be afraid. Trust in God. He is in control. When you are done breaking the curses, then you may bind the Demonic Spirits below. 

You spirit of...** loose your hold upon my life. I command you to come out of my life, and to release me, and my descendants. I bind you, and all evil spirit groupings attached to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, and cast you all to the Pit for all Eternity. I exercise my authority over you. I forbid you to ever return or ever to send any other spirits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself free at last. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.


Spirit of Death:

When you bind the Spirit of Death, expect to witness a resurrection, a rebirth. God will restore the body of the deceased to life. This person will be granted new organs from God's storehouse. When you pray, state the name of the person, and command that individual to rise. You may add, Spirit of Death, you have no authority over...X... for Jesus Christ died on the cross so that he/she would have life, and healing. He/she is a child of God. I now exercise my God given authority. In the name of Jesus Christ, I release to you the breath of Life which lives in me, the very anointing, and substance of God. According to Luke 7:14-15, I declare: "Young man (woman) [insert their name], I say to you, arise!"

 John 11:43-44 explains that the spoken word of command to arise spoken by Jesus brought Lazarus back to life after four full days (of being in a grave in a in a decaying state) as the result of an act of faith and power.

6. Soul Ties to Spirit Wives/ Husbands:

If you have marriage problems, you might have a spirit wife/ husband.

 Lord, I accuse myself of having a Spirit Wife/Husband. I accuse myself in your sight of having entered into a Demonic Covenant with a Spirit Wife/

Husband which has given Satan the legal ground to curse me. I accuse myself of having opened the door to these curses to manifest in my life, and for having accepted these, and allowed this Spirit Wife/Husband to postpone, and destroy your purpose over my life, to torment and to destroy my earthly marriage.  I renounce this Spirit Wife/Husband. I repent Father for having brought such destruction upon myself and my life.  I repent for having exposed my descendants to generational sins tied to this Demonic Spirit Wife/Husband. I ask forgiveness for this Demonic Soul-Tie I made, for all Curses operating in my life because of it.


You spirit husband/ spirit wife, I speak to you directly: get out of my life now. I am redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, come out and go now. Go out with every breath by the power of the Holy Spirit. I prevail over you as God has given me authority to deal with you. Every spirit wife/husband, I divorce you by the Blood of Jesus. You have no legal ground. I take authority over you. Everything that you have deposited in my life, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ. I send the fire of God to burn to ashes the marriage certificate in the name of Jesus. I break every blood and soul-tie covenant with the spirit wife/ husband in the name of Jesus Christ. You spirit wife/husband tormenting my earthly marriage, I bind you and cast you out of my life, and I command you to stay out of my life. I cancel all evil marks or writings placed upon me, in the name of Jesus. Lord, repair and restore every damage done to any part of my body, and to my earthly marriage by the spirit wife/ husband, in the name of Jesus Christ. I reject and cancel every curse, spell, jinx, incantation, evil pronouncement placed on me by the spirit wife/ husband. I take back and possess all my earthly belongings in the custody of the spirit wife/ husband. I set myself free from the stronghold, domineering power and bondage of the spirit wife/husband, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Abba Father, let my earthly marriage witness to your glory. I thank you, Abba for the miracle you will do in my marriage. I plead the blood of Jesus, and I declare myself free at last. I place this prayer in the divine will and ask the Lord to multiply it infinitely.



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